The Sensible Royal Promotes GM and Rejects Veganism “ 'Perhaps my biggest irritation is single-issue groups.” Well said, Princess Anne, the royal who has had a much lower profile than her fiasco-prone brother, Charles. And she appears to disagree vehemently with Charles on a number of environmental issues. Regarding the genetic modification (GM) of crops, she recently said, “It has been an enormous advantage in many parts of the world to use GM wisely for very specific environments. It makes it much more likely to be able to grow what you need.” Princess Anne also rejects the automatic linking of the Australian bushfires to climate change, and with regard to veganism believes that “You can’t have a world without livestock. They are a necessary and very constructive part of our expectation to feed ourselves.” Such measured common sense is rare in the hysterically divisive world we live in today. Perhaps she doesn’t spend any time at all on social media? Read mo...