Topical brief comment: Greta
As parents we guide our children because they are new to the world and don't know how to live in it safely, or make decisions that will be in their best interests. What age does this process stop? At what age do we decide that our children have full moral responsibility to have sex, drink alcohol, vote, drive a car, leave home? In most countries these ages would range from 18 to 21. So why would anyone think that children in their early and mid teens have the ability and responsibility to make decisions about environmental and economic policy? Why do adults listen in rapt awe to Greta Thunberg, and encourage their children to take part in climate change protests when they want them home before 10 pm? If you think your child is old enough to determine national policy, then they are old enough to take part in all other adult activities. Otherwise they are just being used and manipulated as emotive puppets.
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