Peter Hitchens: A Sane, Supremely Articulate Voice in the Midst of Blather and Hysteria

Peter Hitchens is a well-known English journalist and author. If his name doesn't ring a bell, you may have heard of his brother, Christopher Hitchens, who died in 2011. He, too, was a prolific writer, and arguably the more controversial of the two in his role as public intellectual. 

Peter has recently appeared in podcasts and YouTube interviews talking about the handling of Covid-19 and its implications. The two brothers must have spent their formative years talking incessantly, because the staggering thing about Peter’s off-the-cuff remarks is their articulacy: a complete lack of pauses, no searching for a word or a name, just an ongoing, smooth connection between thought and speech that is something to behold when one is used to the stumbling speech of many public figures.

His most recent interview is with Peter Whittle on The New Culture Forum, here. He covers controversial topics such as the lockdown, whether Sweden got it right, and the social and economic consequences of the economic fallout of Covid-19. Earlier he talked to Brendan O’Neill on spiked-online here, in an interview entitled “In this lockdown, dissent is a moral duty”. Both are well worth listening to.

Harry Wiren


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