You Know Something's Wrong When a Teenager is Threatened with Imprisonment for Talking about Climate Change
When Naomi Seibt first appeared above the media horizon a year ago I have to admit my heart sank. She seemed to be saying some very sensible things about climate change and climate alarmism, and her "conversion" to scepticism after exploring the topic was interesting, but I thought, "Is this what it takes to combat Greta Thunberg? A young woman (she is now only 19) taking an opposing stance? Is that the only thing the world will take notice of?"
Well, the world has taken notice, and has roused the intense ire of many, including Wikipedia, long known to be ardently alarmist. Its entry begins "Naomi Seibt (born 18 August 2000) is a German climate change denier". You can't get much more brutal than that. Wikipedia notes that the Guardian has accused her of being influenced by alt-right, white nationalist Stefan Molyneux, and says that she has been accused of white nationalism and anti-semitism. Again, citing the hard-left Guardian. It is quite a take down, but a typical response of climate alarmists when they believe that the fate of the whole world is in the balance and all opposition, or even doubt, must be crushed.
The tactic used is not to engage with the argument, but to call the person names and thus have them shut down, de-platformed, gagged. And if you think I'm being unfair to Wikipedia, read this.
So of course I got interested. It has now very much become a question of free speech, and even though many of you may have already caught up with this issue, I felt compelled to promote this link from Watts Up With That about the court case against Naomi.
Read more.
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