
Showing posts from June, 2020
A Prominent Environmentalist Apologises for the Climate Scare " On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem." So says Michael Shellenberger, a Time m agazine Hero of the Environment in 2008. He explains his position in detail in a new book,  Why Environmentalism Hurts Us All . His recantation was first published in Forbes magazine, which then pulled the article, so Shellenberger re-published it here . This is a very welcome balance to Greta-mania, and his conclusions (I haven't read the book) seem very sensible, like making the point that nuclear power is the inevitable option for anyone who is serious about environmentalism. 
Forced Live Organ Harvesting in Beijing I t is reports like this that make the hysteria of Black Lives Matter statue-toppling protesters seem staggeringly juvenile. There are real problems in the world, and there is real suffering, not least in  Africa, where groups like the Islamist Boko Haram carry out large-scale acts of violence  and kidnappings of young girls, which for a time caught even the woke media's attention. Do these black lives matter, even in passing, to fervent young American Marxists? What about the lives of ethnic and religious minorities (such as Christians) in China?  " In June 2019, an independent London-based people’s tribunal, after a year-long investigation considering testimony from more than 50 witnesses, found clear evidence that forced organ harvesting has taken place in China for years and on a significant scale .” According to Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, chair of the tribunal,  “The conclusion shows that very many people have d...
T he Pope Isn't Entirely Woke The Pope may be a populist, who strives to connect with ordinary people, is fervent about climate alarmism and is way too tolerant of China , but he has drawn the line at gender fluidity. The Vatican has just published a new Directory f or catechesis , which, it says, " took almost five years of work and involved over eighty catechetical experts at an international level." But this is no work of abstract theology " Precisely because catechesis cannot remain an activity detached from the historical and cultural context in which it takes place, this new Directory focuses above all on the new challenges that the Church is called to face today." And one of those challenges is gender fluidity, as Breitbart reports.
Everyone Agrees: There is No Link Between Human-caused Climate Change and Extreme Weather. But will the Greta Disciples Listen? According to retired Oxford physicist Ralph Alexander,  the “purported link between extreme weather and global warming has captured the public imagination and attention of the mainstream media far more than any of the other claims made by the narrative of human-caused climate change.” Yet data and analyses from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC )—the UN body that climate alarmists continually cite as the authoritative source of information on climate change—confirm that “if there is any trend at all in extreme weather, it’s downward rather than upward. Our most extreme weather, be it heat wave, drought, flood, hurricane or tornado, occurred many years ago, long before the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere began to climb at its present rate.” Read more.
The Sustained Attack by the Left on Western Civilisation We have all seen in the past few weeks the George Floyd protests, which were immediately co-opted by Black Lives Matter and in some cases turned into riots, vandalism and looting. Or “peaceful protest”, as CNN calls it .  Some might dismiss this as a passing thing (there have been riots before), spurred and exacerbated by the frustrations of police-enforced lockdowns. British cynics may point out that three people were recently stabbed to death in England by a Libyan refugee, which is always a good way of persuading useful idiots to retreat back into their bedrooms, huddle over their smartphones and hope the very police they have just been abusing will protect them. But this latest bout of incoherent, morally corrupt, violent idiocy extends much further. The thinking goes all the way up through government, the public service, universities and schools, businesses, Hollywood and the media, who largely condone an...
Black Lives Matter: An Act of Contempt Read the poster on the left, if you haven't already seen it. It proclaims, "Fuck Madeleine McCann". The message couldn't be more clear: "Black lives matter and white lives don't, because white people are privileged, and if something bad happens it doesn't count, because they had it coming." I hope this angry young man (I think it's a man) has his own family one day, and thinks back on the day he held up that sign to the world. But he is young and stupid. A mindless, unthinking pawn of social media and hysteria. Not that this makes his act forgivable. But it does make it easier to see how he got caught up in it all. The young get angry and make mistakes they regret. If you get to wave a cool flag, wear a mask and tear things down, who wouldn't want to join up? You can see it in the faces of young men from Sudan to Syria, albeit there supplied with a staggering array of expensive weaponry. (...
Thank You and Good Night, Not No. I can't stand it! Forget what I said below. The world is so infuriating and stupid I have to be part of criticising it. I have to be able to look back and say, "I did something. I said something. I wasn't part of the neo-McCarthyist puritanism and mind control of the woke Taliban. This is intolerable. I will be posting occasional articles from now on, heavily critical of the events spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement.  After some agonising we've decided to discontinue this blog. Although we had lots of people reading our posts, in the end the blog failed to generate the level of discussion we had hoped for and which was the main aim of setting up Urtica Ferox. So thank you to our readers in the UK, the USA, Belgium, Ukraine, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Netherlands, France, Spain, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, and New Zealand. We will leave the material on the blog for now.  We are working on some...