Forced Live Organ Harvesting in Beijing

It is reports like this that make the hysteria of Black Lives Matter statue-toppling protesters seem staggeringly juvenile. There are real problems in the world, and there is real suffering, not least in  Africa, where groups like the Islamist Boko Haram carry out large-scale acts of violence and kidnappings of young girls, which for a time caught even the woke media's attention. Do these black lives matter, even in passing, to fervent young American Marxists?

What about the lives of ethnic and religious minorities (such as Christians) in China? "In June 2019, an independent London-based people’s tribunal, after a year-long investigation considering testimony from more than 50 witnesses, found clear evidence that forced organ harvesting has taken place in China for years and on a significant scale.” According to Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, chair of the tribunal, “The conclusion shows that very many people have died indescribably hideous deaths for no reason, [and] that more may suffer in similar ways.”

In June 2020 the Austrian parliament’s human rights committee unanimously passed a resolution to combat trafficking of organs and humans. The decision was in response to a petition by Austrian citizens last October, which stated: “We Austrians do not want organs from China for which innocent people have been killed.” Austria's protest is part of a growing chorus of voices against human rights abuses in China, the country that young Marxists are happy to forgive anything. Read more.


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