Where Will All the Electricity Come From in Our Electrically Powered Future?

An epic number of citizens are video-conferencing to work in these lockdown times. But as they trade in a gas-burning commute for digital connectivity, their personal energy use for each two hours of video is greater than the share of fuel they would have consumed on a four-mile train ride. Add to this, millions of students ‘driving’ to class on the internet instead of walking.
Meanwhile in other corners of the digital universe, scientists furiously deploy algorithms to accelerate research. Yet, the pattern-learning phase for a single artificial intelligence application can consume more compute energy than 10,000 cars do in a day.” Read more.


  1. GroundHogDaze1 May 2020 at 10:22

    It's all those people taking pictures of their dinner and their cat and their bum. Filling up the cloud and draining enough electricity to run a country. How, honestly could anyone thik we could all swap to electric cars, even if they could be charged quickly and had a good distance? Cat photos are going to cause the end of civilization as we now it.


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